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At NMCS we focus on the whole child: mind, body, and soul in Christian community. Faith integration is key to what we do as we challenge minds, nurture hearts, and develop gifts for service in Christ's Kingdom! By asking students to consider three big questions throughout subjects, we help shape a biblical worldview in partnership with parents. 


What are three key questions we ask and why?


  • Where is the good?

    • God created everything good. How and where do we see his work through history and in our lives today?


  • Where is the bad?

    • Sin entered the world and corrupted it. How and where has sin tainted and broken our world?


  • How do we make it better?  

    • Jesus came to redeem and restore us. How can we join his work with the help of the Holy Spirit to redeem, reclaim, restore, and renew the world for Him?

128 S. Martin Street McBain, MI 49657 |   231-825-2492

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